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How to Reduce the Risk of Colic in Horses

August 23, 2024

If you’ve spent any time around horses, you likely know that colic is one of the biggest concerns when it comes to caring for them. Colic is a painful gastrointestinal issue in horses, and can be fatal. Colic can be caused by many different things, so there is no way to completely ensure that your horse will never get it. However, there are ways to reduce the risks. A Helotes, TX veterinarian lists some of them below. 

Fresh Water

Flicka should always have plenty of fresh water. Don’t forget to scrub those buckets! Germs and bacteria in your horse’s drinking bucket increases the issues of digestive issues, including colic.

Proper Turnout

If you ever watch horses at pasture, you’ll notice that they really don’t stay still much. Flicka really isn’t made to stand in a stall! Making sure your hooved buddy is getting enough turnout time. 

Keep Up With Parasite Control

Worms will definitely increase the risk of colic. Keep up with Flicka’s parasite control regimen! Ask your vet for specific advice.


No surprises here! Always take time to cool Flicka down after a ride. A good hosedown is recommended on hot days.

Dental Care

If Flicka’s teeth are unevenly worn, she may not be able to chew her food thoroughly. Undigested hay and grain can contribute to colic. Make sure to get your horse’s teeth floated regularly. Ask your vet for more information.

Don’t Feed On Sandy Ground

Do you have a lot of sand on your property? If so, use troughs or nets to feed your horses, and put rubber mats down to catch any overflow. Otherwise, Flicka may swallow sand when she eats.

Pay Extra Attention After Changes

Horses are very much creatures of habit, and they can get stressed out by major changes. Gaining or losing a pasture buddy can be very stressful for Flicka, which can in turn upset her stomach. Be extra careful when showing, changing stables, or when adjusting things like feed, turnout schedules, or riding routines. 

Feed A Balanced Diet

Fine tuning Flicka’s feed schedule may take a bit of time. Too much sweet feed can increase the chances of your horse colicking. Ask your vet for specific advice on feeding your hooved pal.

Do you want to learn more about preventing colic? Contact us, your local Helotes, TX veterinary clinic, today!

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